disorder made to order
Custom tones straight off the shelf.
Each time we try a new idea, we tend to make a few variations of it, to see what like. Try a few, and if there’s nothing you fancy, and you want something more specific, we’ll make that.
Or, if you’ve not moved the knobs or switches on your Fuzz Designer for months, get it honed into a Custom Fuzz, and free up that pedal.
As with all our pedals, you’ve got a choice of finishes, and, if you want something really special, you can commission one of our recommended artists (see images below).

SovBlaster I
Pioneering tone – the brittle, unbuffered, raw tone-bending of just a single pair of Soviet transistors.
These have been ordered, mainly as treble boosts – roll off the guitar volume, and rather than getting duller, the tone gets brighter still! The faithful have been lapping this one up, like a thirsty Moscovian street dog (oh, Laika…).
Can be configured as a conventional NPN neg earth, or a slightly more controversial PNP pos earth.
Gecko pedal artwork by Pink_Machines

Voidian / Sovietski
Fuzz from the depths. The creature from the void. The tangled tentacled beast, from whose lair there is no escape.
Or a classic 60s fuzz design, with Russian germanium transistors, and high gain – for that extra boost when ripping into it.
But check out that artwork from Mutartis – this will be the first design to be available with a printed enclosure.
Can be configured as a conventional NPN neg earth, or a slightly more controversial PNP pos earth.
Pedal artwork by Mutartis

SovBlaster II / Soviet-O-Blaster
More like the soft padded interior of the Vostok 1 that carried Yuri Gagarin, the buffered SovBlaster II hurtles your tone into the far reaches of outer space.
More suited to searing intergalactic solos than rhythm parts, this pedal takes your mind to another dimension.
Can be configured as a conventional NPN neg earth, or a slightly more controversial PNP pos earth.

Cyclops Dust / Demonic Cumfuxx
One-knob, high octane, silicon fuzzes, that sizzle sustain to the end of infinity.
Made using various combinations of silicon transistors, raw gain control, and high output levels. There’s a knee trembling growl that’ll keep you on edge of that fuzz-gazm for as long as you can hold on to your axe.
Pedal artwork by Mutartis

Hybrid Fuzz
Ever heard about anything getting better when you cross two strains to make a hybrid? Aiii! Well this is no different!
The smooth draw from these comes from the low-gain Russian germanium devices, but the high-gain hit comes from selected old stock silicon devices.
This limited edition run was made on phenolic barrier / tag-strip, rather than stripboard, leaving plenty of room for mods.
Put that in yer pipe and smoke it!

666 Fuzz
These soul-cleansing germanium fuzzes were based on the original 60s classic fuzz circuit. They use vintage devices, were recovered from the deep in the Brelliott vaults.
This exclusive run was made for the faithful – long time initiates in the way of the Brelliott.
There’s a devilish dichotomy to these fuzzes – though their texture is smooth, their output is uneven. Biased at a 6.66V, they invoke a pure ecstasy of tone.
Pedal artwork (top) by LowlifeDNA
Prices Start from £199
contact us for more information.