TODP Pro-Modular in standard “Toxic” print

This is the latest Pro-Modular version of the TODP, which is an updated “veritable toolkit of overdrive and distortion”. It can give you a huge range of breakup from hardly noticeable, at the edge of break-up (transparent) to full-on metal or punk distortion, with all kinds or blues and rock options in the middle. You can now also swap the distortion and overdrive boards!

The original version of this pedal was the Tube Overdrive Distortion plus, with the drive circuit owing a lot to the superbly simple and robust “Distortion +”. Though the artwork and layout has remained the same, you can now change the characteristics of the overdrive or distortion by swapping the boards for one of our own, or even a 3rd party board (when available).

As before, there are pre-cut and post-boost options for the low end, which can be used together to give a more mid oriented break up in the tube. The high end can be tamed with passive Filter control pot.

All 6 settings utilise the overdrive device, with increasingly more noticeable tube effect, as you go from germanium to ABN:

  • 3x “hard clipping” diode distortion settings: 70s / germanium, 80s / silicon and 90s / LED
  • 3x tube (valve) overdrive settings: AB2 – where you can hear the 2x silicon diodes affect the break up, AB4 – where the 4x silicon diodes are largely inaudible, or ABN – where the compression is controlled in a classic 50s / 60s way

The new standard J201 Fetzer overdrive device is mounted on a daughter board, and has been carefully crafted to give a rich and distinctly tube-like sound.

If  only a “real tube” will do, you can also purchase a Real Tube Experiment Board, which can replace the standard device. We currently have two (2x) different versions of these available, both loaded with Soviet era sub-miniature “pencil” Rod Pentode tubes (valves) :

  • The “tube” board, loaded with a 1J37B 
  • The  “TUBE-V board”, loaded with a military spec 1J29B-V 

These daughter boards are available to buy in our web shop.

This particular pedal features the standard “Toxic” graphic, co-designed, painted, and printed by the Somerset based artist Mutartis.

At the moment we are only able to offer postage within the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and non-EU European countries, via the web shop. If you are within the EU, or in a country which is not listed, please contact us to discuss options.

Additional information

Weight 0.536 kg
Dimensions 20.8 × 15.7 × 11.0 cm

Standard: fluoro yellow / green "Toxic"

Input pre EQ

Bypass or First order bass cut (220Hz default)

Clipping options

Germanium, silicon and LED clipping diodes to 2, 4 or no anti-blocking diodes on the tube

Pentode load

47K – hi clip, 220K – low clip, or 100K – middle. These are analogous to loading of an ECC83 / 12AX7, and may not be the actual load resistors in the module.

Recovery boost EQ

First order bass boost (Bypass, 220Hz and 80Hz)

Recovery boost 6db / 0dB / 12dB

Used to recover volume after, especially germanium and silicon, clipping crushes the signal, or can be used to slam the signal, to add op amp clipping to the mix

Board colour / series

Green / 10

Tone profile

Transparent Overdrive (broad gain range), broad LPF sweep, with bright cap, red LEDs


6 in stock